Intersquad Meets
This is a low key competitive meet in which our swimmers race against one another to see what their times are in various events. These meets last about an hour. Ribbons are awarded and times posted for all swimmers. There are no official disqualifications, although swimmers are coached on the correct way to compete each stroke. We need parent volunteers to make this meet possible to host- parents are timers and ribbon awarders. We host this meet at WPHS. These meets take place periodically throughout the year.
Dual Meets
This is a low-key competitive meet in which we compete against one other swim team. Our swimmers, and the other team’s swimmers, race against one another in different events. This meet lasts about 1 ½ hours, and ribbons and times are posted for all swimmers. There are no official disqualifications, but swimmers are instructed on the correct way to perform each stroke. We need parent volunteers to run this meet- therefore we ask that parents volunteer to be a timer or to be a ribbon awarder. These meets are either at WPHS or the other team’s pool. These meets take place weekly throughout the summer months, and periodically throughout the school year.

It is our goal to attend an invitational once a month. An invitational is a swim meet with typically 200 plus swimmers participating in it. These meets take place throughout the state. Swimmers who are ready to compete at this level are invited to do so by the coaching staff. If a parent is not sure f their child for this level of meet, simply ask Coach Ann or Coach Randy. Typically these are two-day events, but swimmers may elect to swim on only one day of the meet. There is always an entry fee for these meets ranging from $30 to $80 per swimmer depending upon the type of meet, and how many events and days a swimmer may be racing.
Qualifying Meets
Often on our meet schedule swimmers and parents will see an asterisk next to a meet, and the further explanation that qualifying times are necessary to compete in this meet. These QUALIFYING MEETS require specific time standards to be achieved for each individual event in order for a swimmer to race in the meet. These meets are offered at the state, regional, national and international level. Swimmers who have achieved qualifying times will be invited by the coaching staff to compete in some or all of these meets. Expenses affiliated with these type of swim meets are the responsibility of each individual swimmer, although for a small number of national level meets, there is a stipend awarded to swimmers for travel, etc. Entry fees vary greatly, but typically are at least $50 and higher.