Registration Fees
We are excited to offer two registration options for all of our swimmers: Year-Round and Summer Seasonal.
The registration fee is due upon joining the Stone Crabs Swim Team.
These fees are offered to accommodate two types of swimmers: YEAR-ROUND SWIMMERS and SUMMER SEASONAL SWIMMERS. The fees are per swimmer. They are time specific, and there are no exceptions, as these registration fees and time frames are established by USA Swimming.
Year-Round Swimmer Registration Fee: $100 per swimmer, ALL 12 months
Summer Seasonal Swimmer Registration Fee: $65 per swimmer, April 15 - August 31
Stoneybrook East Pool
There are two price structures for this location: One is for Stoneybrook RESIDENTS and the other is for NON-RESIDENTS.
Stoneybrook is a gated community. Non-residents have access to enter the community for swim team practice only during designated practice time frames. All non-resident swimmers at our Stoneybrook location are placed on the gate list once they have submitted their monthly payment. Non-residents entering the community MUST show their drivers license EVERY time they enter through the gate - no exceptions. Upon arrival at the gate, the driver states the name of the swimmer on our team, and the gate attendant will look up the swimmer’s name on our team roster. If there is a problem at the gate, the gate attendant will contact the recreation office and the recreation office will contact the coaching staff.